The truth is I'm learning but, holy cow, it's a a long-winded process. Hats off to all you bloggers who make it all look so effortless.
As usual I can't keep my mouth shut or my thoughts to myself.
Today I'm struggling with what to wear to a beach in Devon where I'll be all day watching the Surf LIfesaving competition. Baywatch it ain't. Keeping warm and being prepared for whatever the weather throws at you is the order of the day. So it would make sense to don a fleece, or a gilet or even a pair of chinos. Except as you might imagine, I'm staring at a huge wardrobe gap where these "pratical"or "need" items might reside. I am going to look a total tool. Like turning up in heels for a walk in the countryside.
To avoid said embarrassment, I've come up with this ensemble.
Don't think that the remnants of hurricane Bertha will mean it's going to be a getting legs out sort of day so I'm going with a pair of boyfriends. Anyway my daughter has borrowed my cut offs.
My favourite are the MIH Phoebes.
Closely followed by the J brand Aiden (with rips)
These from Next look like they could fit the bill too.

I'm very fond of the MiH Paris variety in white.
I'll be in my Supergas - I nabbed a new navy pair just before the code from Style Sunday Times mag for My Wardrobe ran out and got mine for £20.
Superga classic 2750 navy £45
Shirt and logo sweat combo.
A white or chambray.
Logo sweats are everywhere this year and don't look like they're going away
These are my current favourites but I think I'll be in my Whistles Comme Ci Comme Ca version.
Whistles striped logo sweat
Whistles striped logo sweat
I think I'm becoming more than fond of this Zoe Karrsen one even though the last thing I need is another logo sweat.
Finally a coat.
If the weather doesn't improve it'll be a parka but I'm praying it won't rain in which case a utility jacket would be ideal. If only I had one. Like this.
Rag and Bone Chamberlain jacket £181
Rag and Bone Chamberlain jacket £181
Is this the time to invest in the new season trend of a blanket coat? A new trend, yes....but if you think about it, it's just a winter kimono isn't it? Inspired by the Burberry version but lusting over this MiH offering in a more of a poncho style to be fair. Last time I wore a poncho I was seven, I'm sure. I'm a sucker for nostalgia. I've also noticed a complete love in with MiH in this post. I love everything in their range. Seriously "want" it all. That crept up on me too.
Thank The very Lord it's not yet available or it would be hard work for me to resist.
This is the epitome of "want" rather than a "need" item. And I'm supposed to be concentrating on need items on this post, but you know me I can weave in a justifiable reason for an expensive want item at the drop of a hat if I put my mind to it. Do I admit at this point that I sent in my email for an alert when it is available?
Fate will dictate. I'll hang fire for the sale on the basis that I'm one of a handful that really like it. It'll sell out and I'll kick myself.
This is what I finished up throwing on.
Jeans - MiH Paris
Denim Shirt - Theory from last year
Sweat - Whistles
Superga trainers in navy
And instead of clothes, these were my SSOTD (style statement of the day) They take me back; like being seven again - same as the poncho. That's nostalgia for you. In spades.